Planhat x CS Connect

ProTalks is CS Connect’s series of curated panel discussions with experienced customer success experts sharing their insights on pressing topics in the industry. CS Connect is a customer success community that champions the growth and development of the next generations of Customer Success leaders by means of online & offline events. Now, they join forces with Planhat for an evening of networking in Amsterdam.
The Liminal, Amsterdam
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Event details

Join us for an exciting panel discussion on one of the most debated topics in customer success management, aptly named - Data Dilemma: Conquering the Challenges of Too Little and Too Much Data

Our distinguished panellists, handpicked from the industry’s best, will explore the dichotomy between a lack of data and an abundance of unactionable information.

Gain a deeper understanding, network with peers, and leave equipped with actionable strategies to help your customer success soar.

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Featured speakers.

Taj Rao

Teja is the Customer Success Director for EMEA at Everflow

Maarten Doornenbal

Maarten is the co-founder of Churned

Io Michaels

Io leads SaaS Customer Success at

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